Hydro Crunch 4 in. x 12 in. Carbon Charcoal Air Filter with Flange 190 CFM Exhaust

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Hydro Crunch 4 in. Charcoal Carbon Air Filters remove odors safely and naturally. The virgin activated carbon is the key ingredient for removing all odors organic or chemical - smoke, plant, pet and cooking odors are all absorbed, trapped and held in the highly activated virgin carbon and the pre-filter will catch any dirt or debris allowing the carbon to do its real job. To use attach to a fan for exhausting and you have an instant neutralizing odor eater. Quality constructed with heavy-duty galvanized steel, these filters can be mounted vertically or horizontally. When integrated into your exhaust system, all the air that is pulled through the carbon filter is totally and completely scrubbed clean free of odor. The 4 in. carbon filter is recommended and rated for 190 CFM.

99.5% effective at removing airborne carcinogens and odors
100% virgin activated carbon
Galvanized steel housing is durable, rust and corrosion resistant
Includes built-in 4 in. flange for installing in-line as part of an grow room ventilation system
Weather resistant for indoor or greenhouse use
Pre filter included for catching dirt particles and unwanted air born debris
Under typical conditions expected lifespan of 18 months or when unit has increased its original weight by 20%
Fan not included; choose an inline fan that meets the recommended exhaust
